Our handbooks show you how to build fibre or copper infrastructure at your new residential or commercial development, and how to install Openreach equipment. They cover what you and your sub-contractors will need to do to reach the quality we expect – from building the ducts and joint boxes, to the internal wiring.
To help you avoid making mistakes, we’ve explained the more common pitfalls in the handbooks below. We also talk about the impact they could have on delivering the service on time and budget.
We also have four quick guides available for you to use on site. These have summaries of key information for your people and contractors when they’re laying ducts, building joint boxes, and installing internal wiring and Openreach equipment.
We’ll supply all the Openreach materials you need to build and install the network on your site, for free. Your Openreach field-based coordinator will work with your construction workforce or site manager to make sure you get the right supplies delivered, when you need them. We’ll normally supply materials at the same pace as your build programme. But if your project is particularly large (and as long as you have secure storage facilities), we can also deliver materials in bulk. You’ll need to allow 10 days for us to do this.
You should only use the materials we give you to connect homes on your development to the Openreach network. If you lose, damage or misuse any of our supplies, we’ll charge your company for the replacements.
To help you identify the right supplies, we’ve put together a guide and a list of supply codes.
Construction guidelines are available for the modular jointing chambers on the suppliers’ website: https://radius-cts.com/products/quadbox-jmf.
Construction diagrams are also available for the following brick built chamber boxes:
Footway boxes
Carriageway boxes