Openreach Engineer with equipment

Finding and identifying Openreach equipment

How to locate our network infrastructure for building or street works

If you’re planning or building a new development, doing roadworks or working on a regeneration project, you might come across some of our network infrastructure or equipment (like telephone poles or street cabinets).

It’s important that you work safely with this – damaging it could cause delays to your job and mean you have to pay for repairs. So it’s a good idea to check what’s on your site before you start working.

How to check if there’s Openreach equipment on your site

  • If you have a one-off request for information (like for street or roadworks)

    Fill in this form to ask us for a map of our network before you start digging. You’ll have to pay for it – we’ll give you the cost once we get your form. When you’ve paid we’ll send you the map, either by email or post, within 10 working days.

    Need some help?
    If you’ve got any questions, just email us.

  • If you regularly need to check the location of Openreach equipment

    Our Maps on Demand service is the quickest way to find the rough location of our equipment before you start any work. It’s an online mapping system and is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It’s best for areas that are smaller than 500m² (if your location’s bigger than this, email us for help).

    How to access Maps on Demand
    Complete this form to request a quotation for Maps on Demand.

    You can have as many user IDs as you want, and add new ones whenever you need to (IDs are unique though, so please don’t share them).

    What it costs
    You’ll need to pay an annual charge. We’ll tell you how much after we get your registration form.

    Got a question or need some help?
    Send us an email.

  • If you want us to come to your site to check equipment

    We can visit your site to locate and check our equipment. We’ll also give you free help and guidance on how to deal with it. We call this Click before you dig.

    How to arrange a Click before you dig site visit


  • If you need us to move our equipment or survey your site for you

    If you need us to move our equipment we can do this. And we can survey the site for you too.

    Please visit here to tell us more and get a quote. 

Image of a green street cabinet with an Openreach van behind it

Are we in your way?

Check what to do if you need to move or change Openreach equipment for building works.

Front cover image of the identifying our equipment guide

Identifying our equipment

Not sure if something belongs to Openreach?

Our guide shows our most common types of equipment to help you work out who to contact. 

How to find BT infrastructure

Use the property search to check if work you’re planning affects BT cables or other equipment.