Working in partnership with the Welsh Government

Full Fibre for Wales

The vast majority of homes and businesses in Wales – more than 95 per cent – already have access to Fibre to the Cabinet broadband, following the completion of Superfast Cymru.

This was delivered by Openreach working in partnership with the Welsh Government using a mixture of public and private funding, including funding from the EU.

In addition to our own commercial build we’re also working with the Welsh Government to extend the reach of Full Fibre broadband even further across Wales. To do this a range of solutions are needed.

One of these solutions is to build more Full Fibre broadband to homes and businesses using public funding. Openreach is delivering this work using a mixture of our own money and public funding. This includes funding from the EU.

As part of this solution Openreach will reach 39,000 properties by June 2022. This will cover some but not all of the remaining premises without access to fast, reliable broadband. 

To find out more about our plans for Full Fibre for Wales, enter your postcode into our fibre checker below.

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