Help us find your home or business

We're sorry that you couldn't find your address or postcode. Whatever the reason, don't worry - we should be able to fix it.

If you have moved into a newly built property and are experiencing problems with your broadband or phone service then please visit our broadband in new build homes page.

If you don't live in a new build, please fill in the form below, and one of our customer service teams will investigate. We’ll get in touch as soon as we’ve resolved the issue.

Please enter your first name
Please enter your last name
Please provide the name of your property.
Please provide the number of your property.
Please provide the street name
Please tell us which town you're in.
Please enter a valid UK Post Code e.g. AB1 1XY
Please provide your contact number.
Please enter a date
Please enter a valid email address e.g.
Please provide details of your enquiry.

Write your comment within 1000 characters.

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