Broadband in new-build homes

Having trouble with fibre broadband in your new-build home?

Here are some things you can to do get up and running.

Openreach van parked outside a housing development on a sunny day

If the property developer is still on site

It’s worth checking with them that they’ve finished installing the Openreach equipment, and that nothing’s missing or damaged. They can also contact us to help them fix the issue.

You can also look at our Fibre to the Cabinet and Full Fibre homeowner guides which have advice on some simple checks you can do.

If you’ve ordered broadband from a provider and you’re having problems

Get in touch with them – unfortunately we can’t help you with this. They’ll run tests to find the problem, and get in touch with us if they need to.

If you haven’t been able to order broadband

If you’ve spoken to a phone or broadband provider and they’ve said you can’t order this, please get in touch with us. We’ll do what we can to help.