Got an Openreach engineer coming?

Here's what to expect when we come to your home

Keeping you informed before the visit

You may receive text messages or emails from Openreach to remind you that your service provider has booked an engineer appointment for you, allow you to confirm, change or cancel it, provide tips that may help to sort out any problems, or remind you to plug in your router where necessary.

We've listed the numbers/email address you'll see below so you can check that any messages you receive are from us:

  • We're installing your new service: 07701407770
  • We're activating your Full Fibre service: 07491163160
  • Support for your service: 07701407771
  • Appointment updates: 07860041025 or 07491163160
  • If we send you emails, they'll come from:
  • Business support -  Ethernet survey and engineering appointments: 07741449211

Your engineer will call or text you beforehand to check you’re in and see if they need to know anything about your address (like access or parking). The engineer will also tell you roughly when they’ll be there (within the timeslot your broadband or phone provider gave you).

On the day of your appointment

You may receive messages on the day of your appointment giving you updates on engineer progress from the below phone numbers:

  • New service: 07701407770
  • Repair appointment: 07701407771

Your engineer will call or text you beforehand to check you’re in, see if there’s anything they need to know about your address (like access or parking) and tell you roughly when they’ll be there (within the timeslot your broadband or phone provider gave you).

When they arrive

Before you let the engineer in, it’s a good idea to check their ID badge to make sure they’re really from Openreach. Some of our new engineers drive plain white vans so the ID badge is the best way to identify them.

Once you’ve checked they’ll talk you through what they’ll be doing. If they need to, they’ll agree with you where to put any equipment and talk about options for wiring.

When they’re finished, they’ll check everything is up and running as it should be. And they’ll clean up any mess they’ve made before they go.

Don’t give out any financial details

We won’t ever ask you for bank details. So if anyone contacts you saying they’re from Openreach and asks for financial information, don’t give it to them.

If you’d like more information or advice about fraud and cyber security have a look at Action Fraud.

  • Answered

Having broadband installed?

If you're about to have broadband installed here are some hints and tips to help you get connected as quickly and easily as possible.